"Check Mate" Final

Check Mate
5"x7" Oil on Gessoed Board
Auction coming soon however I will
consider all inquiries to purchase via email!
It finally came the moment to say, its done!
I really enjoyed this painting and I am looking forward to revisiting this theme real soon of chess pieces. I already have some planned.
I wonder where I will journey to next? Stay tuned as I am starting the next one right away.
Thank you!
It was a lot of fun.
Mark ( also known to as Dad) to my children anyways :)
Mark, The finished painting is just awesome. I've only been painting with oils for two months, and so I really appreciate seeing your the steps. This is great, and although I expected the final painting to be nice, it's much nicer than I expected. The king is nice - the queen is simply gorgeous! Thank you for all your hard work. :-)
Thank you bcgray! I did enjoy this one a lot.
I am glad you are enjoying the step by steps. I started with the idea of only doing a few, however, I am getting a lot of request to keep them coming.
I think now it will be one of my trade marks so to speak.
I will be posting tonight a an update for the steps I am working on called "Broken with Purpose".
Thank you for your comments
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